for example:
a. active: Bob mailed the package
b. passive: The package was mailed by Bob
# a and b have the same meaning
c. Bob mailed the package
The package was mailed by Bob
# in c the object ( the package ) of an active sentance becomes the subject of the passive sentance
d. Bob mailed the package
The package was mailed by Bob
# In d the subject (Bob) of an active sentace is the object of "by-phrase" in a passive sentance.
e. active: the teacher corrects our homework.
f. passive: Our homework is corrected by the teacher
g. active: Mr. Lee will teach this class
h. passive: This class will be taught by Mr. Lee
# Form of all passive verb:

BE can be in any of its forms: am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been, will be, etc. THE PAST PARTICIPLE follows BE. For regular verbs, the past participle ends in -ed ( e.g., mailed, corrected ). Some past participles are irregular ( e.g., taught )
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