Senin, 04 April 2011



I Love You
Through the last few days,
I’ve drowned in my sorrow,
I’ve cried myself to sleep,
Hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
I dreamed way too much,
Dreamed of a fairy tale life,
With two wonderful kids,
And a beautiful wife.
I’ve wondered countless times,
Why I’m in such misery,
Because every second I live,
Feels like eternity.
I’ve tried to be a living Romeo,
But this Romeo is bleeding,
My eyes bleed tears,
During love poems I’m reading.
But this has all seemed,
Like a long rainbow,
With a chest at the end,
Letting me know,
That very soon,
I shall have my brighter day,
And that day will come,
When you hear what I say.
I’m so very scared,
That I shall hear good-bye,
I know if I do,
I’ll break down and cry.
But I must face my fears,
And be no longer sad and blue,
I’m ready to say it,
I need you.
Forever You
Forever takes me by a minute,
While I’m here with you.
I’m falling even more in love,
With everything you do.
Hold me in your arms,
Look deep into my eyes,
Don’t turn away and let me go,
Don’t ever tell me lies.
I swear I’ll never let you go,
I’ll always hold On Tight
I’ll carry On Day And Night
There aren’t enough hours,
In each passing day,
To find all the words,
I wish I could say.
Your kiss will last forever,
Your touch forever warm.
You’ll guide me to the sunlight,
And shield me from the storm.
This is what I’m saying,
With everything that’s true,
I swear on my life,
That I really do love you.

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